Making a Difference
My name is Cheryl Garrity and I’ve had a lifelong passion for animals, especially those with challenges. I adopt small, senior dogs with medical issues. My goal is to provide these individuals a permanent, safe, happy home. At Little Dog Ranch, everyone dines on great food and enjoys top-notch veterinary care and appropriate medications. Most importantly, every family member is LOVED. LDR is a calm place and the eldercare / respite offered is nurturing. My heart connects with each and every dog and sings in knowing that each of them feels incredibly loved in their final time.
My seniors, given their health challenges, are often overlooked and considered unadoptable. Well, kick up your heels boys and girls… welcome home forever to Little Dog Ranch!
YOU CAN HELP! Please consider a donation of any size.
The “Funding” tab above shows how even the smallest amount helps.
Call me at (970) 875-4316 to talk about my mission.
Thank you for your time!
Our History
Little Dog Ranch was formally organized in the spring of 2022 but the roots of this rescue reach back 30 years. Currently located in Fruitland Park FL, I began amassing a group of needy dogs in Colorado. There, I had a farm and at one point housed over 200 animals. Fast forward, I moved to FL in 2019, purchased our original location on Spring Lake Road in 2021, and recently upgraded to a new home that is more conducive to expanding the clan. Three dogs moved with me from CO and I have adopted 17 Florida dogs. Almost all of the adoptees were “castoffs” and were not expected to live all that long. Guess what? Once a pooch realizes they have a forever home (I think these dogs talk to each other!) — with a warm bed, healthy and tasty meals, and great veterinary care… well, they rally! True, 9 have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but they left this earth in style. My hope is to expand my pack and take on as many dogs a financially possible. Every donation brings me closer to adopting our next family member and our home has ample beds waiting!
Your Donations Matter
Little Dog Ranch Inc is organized as a 501(c)3 with hopes of enticing supporters to assist financially. Give or take, it costs $3,500 – $4,000 per dog per year to provide the support these seniors need. Every dollar that comes in goes 100% towards the dogs’ health and welfare. There is no overhead and the operation is essentially a one-woman show. I take no compensation of any kind and offer my home freely to the charity. Running the operation takes time and is physically demanding but I am happy to do the work. I hope that continued donations will let me adopt more dogs in need. Kindly view the “Funding” tab to view our P&L for 2022 and 2023. As well, our tax filings are available for your review. Hit the “Contact” tab and send me know how I can help. Thanks!